Scott has been writing numerous articles and submitting them to Latitudes and
Attitudes Magazine.  His first article was published in the August 2005 issue
with many more hopefully on the way.  We were also contacted by a local
magazine called Nor'Westing.  They interviewed us around the 1st of July and
the article was published in their August issue.  It's been fun having articles of
us in magazines.  There may be more to come, but I'm not telling until I see it
myself.  Thought you might be interested.  Hope you enjoy!
Latitudes and Attitudes - August 2005
Nor'Westing Magazine - August 2005
The unpublished works of Scty
Flukes Dig Deep
Publications of Ghost and her Crew
Some Trip
Theres This Place....Stuart Island
Night Time at Sucia Island
A Ghost on Ghost
How it all Started
Latitudes and Attitiudes - November 2005
Latitudes and Attitudes - March 2006
Living Aboard Magazine - Jan/Feb 2008